Distant nitrogen with no adsorbates on neighboring carbon atoms selectively stabilizes *O and *O2 adsorbates. Water solvation stabilizes all ORR intermediates, having a greater impact on *O and *O2, than on *OH and *OOH, in contrast to metal and oxide catalysts. Synergistic stabilization of *O caused by both effects reaches remarkably a high value of 1.5 eV for nitrogen concentrations above 4.2% N. Such a strong effect is explained by a high reactivity of *O and *O2, which possess empty O(sp) states. At 6.25% N, the reaction environment is found to comprise *O and free nitrogen spectators. Finally, strong *O solvation is found to be present in a broader class of systems, comprising all materials where the ORR occurs on a 2nd row element. Including at least a single explicit water layer is paramount to achieve the correct description of the ORR intermediates adsorption energies on these materials.
Mateusz Reda, Heine Anton Hansen Tejs Vegge
Catalysis Today
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