Such precursors do not result in detectable segregation of secondary phases after the subsequent annealing step. In the analysis of the solar cell device, we focus on the effects of the finite thickness of the absorber layer. Depletion region width, carrier diffusion length, and optical losses due to incomplete light absorption and back contact reflection are quantified. We conclude that material- and junction quality is comparable to that of thicker state-of-the-art CZTS devices, even though the efficiency is lower due to optical losses.
Andrea Cazzaniga, Andrea Crovetto, Chang Yan, Kaiwen Sun, Xiaojing Hao, Joan Ramis Estelrich, Stela Canulescu, Eugen Stamate, Nini Pryds, Ole Hansen and Jørgen Schou
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Vol. 166
DOI: 10.1016/j.solmat.2017.03.002
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